Get the learning resources

You have already passed your Part 1 and Part 2 exams so you should already have the correct study materials.

If not, now might be a good time to get some additional help from the best sources in the business!

Many trainees feel that once the Part 1 exam is passed that they have all the knowledge they need. The reality is that they’ve only just scratched the surface and have lots more to learn in order to pass the Part 3 exam.

On top of this, a good teacher will never stop learning so keep an open mind and be ready to keep learning. If you are prepared to make this commitment, you’ll have a long and successful career as a driving instructor!

Essential books for PDIs

To successfully become a driving instructor, you will need to buy the following books:

Recommended books

These are the additional learning resources we recommend you own:

Training & Reflective Learning Logbook

After each in-car training session with your trainer, you should keep a log of your training hours and make some reflective notes to help you improve your performance. We have adopted the GROW model for coaching, developed by Sir John Whitmore.

Download your Training & Reflective Logbook:


You will need to take this logbook to both your Part 2 and Part 3 exams for the examiner to look at.